Adam Hirsch |
|  Arianna |
|  Tania Daoust |
 Matt Wilson and Megan |
|  Matt, Meg, Kyle |
|  536, Mr. Hirsch |
 Economics, Mrs. Williams |
|  Justin, Mr. Grubert |
|  Tania, Kyle, Meghan, Nickey, Laura, Mel, Ryan |
 Mrs. Dubois' french class |
|  Megan holding a chicky |
|  zTetris in 536, Jon and Andrea |
 Tania, Missy |
|  Andrea, at Evergreen |
|  Chemistry class |
 Mark Thepen |
|  Brad, Trevor, Caitlin |
|  Randy and Liz |
 Jason, Monica |
|  Andrea, Kyle, Grace, Matt |
|  Nick, Jon, Hirsch, Alex. Someone needed their pic taken (did well on 536 test) |
 Meg! |
|  Little me |
|  Nick, Megan, Grace in Shut's room |
 Cory next to Shut's gwbasic marking system |
|  Meg, Nick, Kyle, Jon, Randy |
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Weeks ::